Sunday, August 17, 2008

This is the Fantasia Ballroom H where the Opening Plenary Session was held. We heard from a number of speakers on issues ranging from the need to unite behind a Presidental nominee who will do their best to represent our needs as a Hispanic people. How we can't afford another term with the current leadership who looks towards us with a blind eye. Some of the topics we heard ranged from Jobs and Engery for the 21st century, investing in our future. The need for a national strategy for good jobs and productive industries and greening the economy, a climate change and a need to do our part in recycling and going green and the need for a fair and equitable Immigration Plan to address the current situation.
David Mora and Jessica Hall attending Workshop II: Field and Election Day Activities.
35th Anniversary Reception group shot of the Oakland County Chapter members and spouses. Pictured from left to right, bach row: Kareem Schkoor, Reynaldo Rivera, Juan Sauceda. Frt row: Debra Styers, Lisa Schkoor, Lorenzo Rivera, Jessica Hall, Shelli Mora, David Mora
Lorenzo Rivera was honored and presented with LCLAA's Life time Achievement Award. Here he is with his award standing with his son Reynaldo.